9/18 Yoga Journal

 Yin Yoga

    The other day I did a yin yoga practice online. I've done yin multiple times before but I've never made it a weekly part of my practice. I would mainly do it when I felt extra tight in my body from sitting for long periods of time or from working on my feet. This time I did the yin sequence just to connect back to my body instead of doing it for a physical benefit and it really felt different this time around. I found that I was really able to relax into the pose instead of pushing my body like I normally do in yin. Most of the time I do yin to intensely stretch my muscles but this time around I did it just to relax and it felt so much more peaceful than it normally does. 

    To set up my yoga space I rolled out my yoga mat in a quiet room in my house (which is rare due to a crazy K9 always barking) and I applied some lavender oil to my wrists, which is something new I've been doing when I practice yoga. If I don't use the oil I'll light a candle and I feel like the calming scents just help create a more peaceful environment to practice. Even though the practice was online, the teacher made it a "yogic environment" by emphasizing inward reflection. During every pose she made it a point to always come back to the breath and to a meditative state. She didn't talk after we got into the poses which I enjoyed because it really allowed me to relax and fall deeper into the pose. 

    Although doing a practice online is not the same as doing it in person, the practice is what you make it. I really like going to an in person class because I think I get more out of the environment. A yoga class feels different when you are doing the sequence with other people around you but I also enjoy how easy it is to just turn on a yoga video and do the practice right in the comfort of my own home. Overall, I really enjoyed this yin yoga practice and I could feel the benefits both physically and mentally. 

How to Do Happy Baby Pose in Yoga (Ananda Balasana) | Openfit

(Happy Baby, one of my favorite yin poses)


  1. good job. Make sure to include a few more details about each practice you complete when you are journaling. Maybe explain yin a bit more and give the name of the instructor. Funny, because happy baby is not a "traditional" yin posture. They are all "passive" (no effort), but this is indicative of something in popular yoga...yes?


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