11/6 Yoga Blog

     This week we did Sivananda Yoga with Jenn over zoom for about an hour and a half. This was my first time doing Sivananda Yoga and it's probably my favorite zoom class that we've taken so far. I really liked that the practice is structured in the sense that there's a certain set of postures that are repeated every practice but there is still flexibility in the ability to modify or do different variations. For example, instead of doing headstand we practiced by doing dolphin pose. I liked having a goal posture to work towards instead of pushing my body into these really challenging poses without prior practice. 

    Another aspect of the practice that I really enjoyed was how it was broken up. I never started a practice with savasana but I felt like it started the practice off the right way. I was more relaxed throughout the practice since we started off with savasana and I felt like I got the most out of the class. I also really enjoyed the breathing exercises we did at the beginning. It felt really cleansing and energizing to start the practice off this way. I also liked how it was broken up into different sections like backbends and twists. It felt like there was a nice flow and I was able to really focus on staying in each posture when they were broken up like that. I appreciated each pose more because I knew which benefits it was given me and my spine.

    Jenn was an amazing teacher. She taught us a little bit about Sivananda Yoga before we began and that helped me appreciate the practice a bit more while I was doing the different poses. She provided great modifications and I liked how she demoed the pose first and then verbally walked us through each asana. She was very beginner friendly as she didn't force poses on anyone and she was very attentive to different types of bodies. Her modifications were realistic and very helpful. 

Learn About Sivananda Yoga and Then Try This Classical Sequence - Yoga  Journal


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