
Showing posts from September, 2020

9/25 Blog Post

      I've been doing my 200 hour yoga teacher certification online and I watched a lecture/ participated in a class on adaptive yoga. This zoom class was led by one of the program's leaders, Tara Cleven and the practice took about 45 minutes. I took this class over zoom with other classmates after receiving a lecture about adaptive poses in yoga. I really liked that she focused on the idea that yoga is for everybody and it should be accessible to whoever wants to participate.      Our lecture consisted of modifications for different yoga poses by using props like blocks and bolsters. We also talked about chair yoga, and how beneficial it can be for the elderly and for beginners. Then we proceeded to do our own practice of chair yoga. I've never done chair yoga because I always thought it was for beginners but I really enjoyed this class. It was mainly focused on viewing your body with compassion wherever its at in your practice and meeting your body halfway. The most inter

9/18 Yoga Journal

 Yin Yoga     The other day I did a yin yoga practice online. I've done yin multiple times before but I've never made it a weekly part of my practice. I would mainly do it when I felt extra tight in my body from sitting for long periods of time or from working on my feet. This time I did the yin sequence just to connect back to my body instead of doing it for a physical benefit and it really felt different this time around. I found that I was really able to  relax into the pose instead of pushing my body like I normally do in yin. Most of the time I do yin to intensely stretch my muscles but this time around I did it just to relax and it felt so much more peaceful than it normally does.      To set up my yoga space I rolled out my yoga mat in a quiet room in my house (which is rare due to a crazy K9 always barking) and I applied some lavender oil to my wrists, which is something new I've been doing when I practice yoga. If I don't use the oil I'll light a candle and